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Re: Pre-release easter egg? *sOT*
Date: 1/21/14 5:13 pm
In Response To: Pre-release easter egg? *sOT* (General Vagueness)

: There's a new Alien game in production, and someone I chat with showed me
: some screenshots the developer or publisher just put out. In this one
: there's some kind of computer console with junk on it, a calendar that has
: a nice reference to the first movie, and some pictures, including some a
: beach (or some different beaches). Am I crazy, or is the one with the rock
: arch the spitting image of part of the Silent Cartographer island from the
: first Halo?

I would agree with Hyokin that it is not. That is a very common image as rock arches are just Fing cool. Actually I am down in St Lucia for vacation, why I will not be at customs this week, and we drove by at least 2 of those (they look even cooler in real life). The main difference with that one, being that the arch goes into the water, not the land itself.

Messages In This Thread

Pre-release easter egg? *sOT*General Vagueness1/20/14 5:02 pm
     I don't think it's from Silent Cartographer....robofin1171/20/14 5:43 pm
     Picture changed. Don't see it. *NM*SEspider1/20/14 11:29 pm
     Re: It's not. *IMGs*Hyokin1/21/14 9:21 am
           Wow, thanks Hyo.MacGyver101/21/14 4:15 pm
                 Re: Wow, thanks Hyo.Hyokin1/21/14 6:01 pm
           Re: It's not. *IMGs*General Vagueness1/22/14 9:19 pm
     Re: Pre-release easter egg? *sOT*ChrisTheeCrappy1/21/14 5:13 pm
           Rock arches are my favorite natural formations... *NM*Hyokin1/21/14 6:12 pm

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