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Re: Customs Night (as big as your arm edition)
Date: 1/12/14 8:27 am
In Response To: Customs Night (as big as your arm edition) (General Vagueness)

: Like an icy blast from the north...
: Customs Night is coming to make your day much, much cooler. What is Customs
: Night? It's a weekly get-together hosted by Community Customs ( hey,
: progress, you can see different stuff from before! ) where we play custom
: games in Halo. Specifically, we do this every Friday night at 9:00 PM
: Eastern , and we play custom and standard gametypes on custom maps (and
: occasionally a standard map or two) ranging from large to small, from
: simple to complex, from well-tested remakes to brand-new maps.

: If that sounds fun, why not join us? To do that, all we want is for you to
: post in this thread with your gamertag, and we'll send you a message or an
: invite when we're starting. This week we'll be playing Halo 4 .

: Things to remember: - we won't play any modded content (so as to not risk
: anyone being banned)
: - a CC admin (Gnrl Vagueness, ShadowoftheVoid, nomis78) will have party lead
: at all times, so: - if you want to play something we don't have, you'll
: have to link to it here or put it in your file share (exceptions are
: possible for players we know well who are having trouble uploading)
: - we play whatever the people present want to play; if someone has more than
: one map/gametype they want to run, we try to (or at least I try to)
: intersperse their stuff with stuff from other people who want to run
: things
: - again, that's Halo 4 at 9:00 PM EST this Friday

: I hope we'll see you there!

Long time member of the forums, but only recently got Xbox Live so I haven't had a chance to join in on customs night, so I'd be very keen to give it a try. My gamertag's Political Shrub. I'm in Australia so not sure how the time difference works out but I'll see how it goes.

Messages In This Thread

Customs Night (as big as your arm edition)General Vagueness1/9/14 12:45 am
     Re: Customs Night (as big as your arm edition)General Vagueness1/11/14 10:30 pm
     Re: Customs Night (as big as your arm edition)Apollo1/12/14 8:27 am
           Re: Customs Night (as big as your arm edition)General Vagueness1/12/14 2:03 pm

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