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Re: Community Customs Night, Nov. 8: Reach Edition
Date: 11/8/13 9:35 am

: Tomorrow is Friday, and that means it's time yet again for customs night.
: This week we will be playing Halo Reach. We start at 9 PM Eastern Standard
: Time, or 6 PM Pacific, or 2 AM GMT, or whatever the equivalent of 9 PM EST
: is in your region. If you're interested in joining us, and I know you are,
: be sure to send either myself (ShadowOfTheVoid), Gnrl Vagueness, or
: nomis78 a message between now and then letting us know you want to play
: and we'll send you a game invite (late arrivals are welcome, too). If
: there's any maps of your own creation that you want to play, be sure to
: place it in your file share so that I, Vagueness, or nomis can run it.
: Also, we would prefer it if you have all the DLC, but it's not mandatory.
: We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow evening.

Should be on. Probably won't be for long this week, busy weekend of cleaning the yard and house.

Messages In This Thread

Community Customs Night, Nov. 8: Reach Edition.Gravemind11/7/13 8:02 pm
     Re: Community Customs Night, Nov. 8: Reach EditionGeneral Vagueness11/7/13 9:01 pm
           No Reach for me, thanks. *NM*SEspider11/8/13 2:27 am
                 You sure?Gravemind11/8/13 3:51 am
     Re: Community Customs Night, Nov. 8: Reach EditionChrisTheeCrappy11/8/13 9:35 am
     I shall reach for Reach. I'll bring popcorn for al *NM*CARDO 8 ATL11/8/13 4:18 pm
           Who's al?>? *NM*General Vagueness11/8/13 9:07 pm
                 and how did that get in there?; *NM*General Vagueness11/8/13 9:07 pm
                       *IMG*ZackDark11/8/13 9:45 pm
                             Re: My scar burns when Zack uses this picture. *NM*Hyokin11/11/13 1:22 pm

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