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Re: I Can't Help It!
By:Cody Miller
Date: 8/27/13 12:26 pm
In Response To: I Can't Help It! (Morpheus)

: I'm hungry.

Here's how you can get ready for Halo 5. If someone else can step up and take over, I actually would appreciate it a lot, because I'd have to buy an xbox one and I don't really want to. However, the reputation of the cutscene library is on the line so I don't want to pass on doing the Halo 5 cutscenes unless someone else can do them:

In 1080p60, since Halo 5 will apparently run at 60fps.
In 5.1 surround sound (or 7.1 if the Xbox One outputs it!)
Captured from a super clean non h.264 source
In Quicktime / WMV / Flash versions

If you've got all that, then by all means take over please!

Messages In This Thread

Halo Wars Cutscenes OfflineMorpheus8/26/13 1:24 am
     Re: Halo Wars Cutscenes OfflineCody Miller8/26/13 1:33 am
           Oh, REALLY?Morpheus8/26/13 2:06 am
                 Re: Oh, REALLY?Louis Wu8/26/13 1:31 pm
                       Aww. *pouts* *NM*Morpheus8/26/13 2:43 pm
                             Re: Aww. *pouts*Louis Wu8/26/13 6:16 pm
                                   I Can't Help It!Morpheus8/27/13 1:56 am
                                         Re: I Can't Help It!Cody Miller8/27/13 12:26 pm
                                               Re: I Can't Help It!Morpheus8/30/13 3:11 pm
           Re: Halo Wars Cutscenes OfflineGeneral Vagueness8/30/13 1:40 pm

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